How Popular is Swinging?

Whether you’ve been married for some time or you’re still in the midst of the honeymoon period, there’s always room for added excitement in the bedroom.
With a sample of 9,000 single adults in the US, a 2016 study found that as many as 1 in 5 people engage in consensual nonmonogamy, referred to as CNM. Concurrently, Canadian research revealed that 4 percent of their 2,003 sample openly shared their personal participation in CNM. Their 2019 paper asserts that although numbers may seem small, interest and involvement in non-traditional relationships are on the rise.
Although the concept of monogamy is fast falling out of vogue with contemporary couples, swinging isn’t akin to polyamorous or open relationships. That is, swingers typically desist from investing romantically or emotionally with other swingers.
Quite simply, as it is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, swinging is ‘the practice of engaging in group sex or the swapping of sexual partners within a group, especially on a habitual basis’.
That in mind, given that swingers can be single but are just as likely to officially identify as married on the US Census, it is difficult to garner an accurate estimation of just how popular swinging is across the states. But possible.
How Many Swingers Are There in the US?
Despite the ever-increasing scholarly interest in CNM, there exists a distinct lack of research about the prevalence of swinging as a lifestyle preference. That being said, using baseline numbers provided at the beginning of study, research site Wonder offer an assumptive formula for the estimated population of swingers in America :
USA population number x 4% = total number of swingers in the USA
Almost half a decade after the original research was published, Wonder projected that the number of swingers in the US in 2016 would be c. 12.9 million. In 2020, with a population of approximately 331 million, the number of swingers is set to rise to 31.2 million.
Globally, the stats site suggests that over 50 million people are actively swinging across the World. The plain truth? The likelihood is you know someone who loves to swing.
Hooking Up with Local Swingers
Evidently, there exists a widespread, keen community of swingers in the US, yet meeting likeminded people can be a challenge. Although swinging and other forms of nonmonogamous relationships are becoming more mainstream, there is still so much taboo surrounding what is considered as deviant sexual behaviour.
That being said, society has moved forward significantly from the days of wife-swapping in the 1970s, and modern technology has provided a lifeline for open-minded, lustful singles and couples.
The predominant problem for people who want to enjoy the lifestyle is the inability to connect with others. It’s unlikely that you’ll meet potential swinging partners through friends of friends or over dinner at family events. While this might have been awfully restrictive in the past, online dating makes it possible to overcome such obstacles.
Finding Connections on a USA Swingers Site
You know you’re interested in swinging, so don’t be tempted to sign up with any-old generic dating site. You require the services of a specialist website to ensure you make meaningful, useful connections with likeminded local people.
Register for free with a popular US swingers site that serves your area. Rather than walking on eggshells or feeling coy about your kinks, you can be sure that all the people online are searching for the same kind of sexual satisfaction as you, too.
If confidence has proved to be a barrier before, online dating will ensure you ooze in confidence. With the security of the screen, you can make your initial introductions and break the ice with potential partners before meeting for real-world swinging dates.
With private chat rooms at your disposal, you’ll be able to talk dirty, flirt, and create sexual chemistry before relieving the tension in real life.
Making the Swinging Lifestyle Happen for You
While the prospect of hooking up for fun with open-minded people might have felt like a pipedream in the past, the odds are in your favour. Swinging statistics show that acceptance and interest in the lifestyle is on the rise.
Don’t restrict yourself to raunchy hearsay within your local community. Make the most of today’s technology and sign up with a superlative swinging dating site to make the lifestyle happen. As we’ve deduced, there are millions of swingers across the US; one, two, or a few, will definitely be holding out for a hookup with you.
Final food for thought? Get ready for a lifetime of contentment. Relationships site, Swinger Lifestyle, report that swinging couples are 14.5% ‘happier and more satisfied with their intimate life’ than those ‘vanilla couples’. Things are looking up in lust.